Monday, September 20, 2010

Random thought: What is the value of a film star

If the movie makers can answer the simple question:
1. Do the people come to the movie to watch the star?

If answer is "it is less than 50% probable", then that star is really not a star. So it is better to check if that star is really worth the money.

Most of the times, people go to watch the movie & rarely a star.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Arishadvarga and path for evolution beyond

It is nice to gain more insight in to what actually will help me to become a better human being. I am supposed to have equanimity with control over kama, krodha, lobha, mada, moha, matsara. It means I retain the capacity to feel these emotions but not driven by these. Not being able to feel any emotion makes me inert. Inertness is not the goal of evolution.

The goal of evolution is to be fully functional with mindfulness. Once I manage the arishadvarga, & learn to be empathetic/loving, I have found what every seeker searches in life.

Insight is good, but practice is what makes a person. Long way to go for me to become a better human being.

Arishadvarga : 6 categories of enemies on the path of a person's evolution
Ari: Enemy
Varga: Category
Shat: 6

Kama : Desire
Krodha : Anger
Lobha : Greed
Mada : Arrogance
Moha : Attachment
Matsara : Jealousy