Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where have all the people with evolved thinking gone?

Again in some dinner time discussion about what does it mean to be being cultured and what is not, we ended up with the following thoughts.

In today's India, among the people, we find people for whom the modernity means having various gadgets and aping the western clothes and the way of living. Then we also find people to whom being cultured means being ritualistic and going around to places of worship and following arcane rules to live life by. Even though the preceding sentences do not mean that most of these people are devoid of real understanding of the word refinement as a human being, mostly I find that they haven't thought what does it actually mean to be a human being.

I believe if each of us understands that the goal of life is to live with joy and move away from being self centred, performing actions that are right, we have again started on the path of evolution.

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