Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Elections and irrationality

The elections seem to have become farcical. The issues debated about don't make any material difference to the lives of the people. These debates seem to be centered around showing "who is the worst" rather than indicating "why I am the best to serve the people". The "serve the people part" has been lost since many days. People trying to get elected tend to be focused on ruling rather than serving. The fundamental principle of democracy has been lost. So it appears that system has stopped working and the time may be ripe to rethink democracy or how to make democracy work. Expecting thugs to create laws that put them out of business is hard. Only way appears to be that we stand up, question and make a collective decision based on merits of individual rather than any other parameter.  Hopefully that consciousness will spread and hopefully we come out the very irrational thinking pattern that we have gotten ourselves in to.

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